Your Voice Counts

We received a lot of complaints from our members and people who are affected by the changes. But, we want to hear you and help you overcome these issues. The government has implemented new changes regarding recycling, which in some way it can increase the prices, and fees and many business owners don’t agree.

blue-boxIn this way, we want to explain the entire procedure and assist you with this issue. So, if you have any questions, please write us at our email, and we will respond at our earliest convenience. We are looking forward to hearing from you and reading your comments.

Ms. Clark,

Please rethink your plan to sell-off provincial recycling programs to what is essentially an unneeded duplication, and additional expenses to all provincial taxpayers, with legislation to have blue box programs taken over by an additional layer of (out of province, private for profit) administration.

I am pleased to note that my local council has refused to join this, stating that our existing program is better, more comprehensive and cheaper.

Whoever came up with this idea should be fired.

Dear Premier Clark,

We oppose the changes to the current Blue Box recycling program.  These changes will end up costing each one of us too much!

Rethink this before it is too late!

Dear Premier Clark…..As supporters of your government we wish to express our opposition to sending B. C. business out of province.  This has proven over & over to cost more with a drop in benefit to the consumer & taxpayer.  Why do we insist on fixing things that aren’t broken?  Why do we continually change things at high costs for the process when the end result does not improve things.  We along with the majority of British Columbians & Canadians are sick & tired of the waste & mismanagement of our tax dollars.  The masses are getting restless.  It’s best you start paying attention.

This ridiculous idea of transferring our recycling program to be based out of Ontario is insane.  WHY???? Why take money away from our BC Municipalities and give the money to another province?

This program works well in the Okanagan, as I am sure it does in most other areas of our beautiful province.  This is not expensive for homeowners now either, but I am sure our rates will go up 10-fold!

We live in YOUR riding of Westbank and are outraged about this!

Dear Premier Clark:


I’ve been aware that there has been recent information coming out about new recycling regulations.

It is certainly not clear to me why these new regulations are required.

Information is scanty – and it seems that the procedure will be costly (however it is looked at) and I definitely prefer to see local workers and businesses employed rather than bigger companies.

We are looking at scenarios where LOCAL is a very important component of any undertaking.

Please rethink this proposal before we have to designate a very huge number of blue boxes to a recycling procedure.

Do not change the way our recycling works.  It is working and we don`t need big cooperate companies telling us how to recycle.  This will only add more cost to products.  If it works don’t fix it.